The Reason For this Blog

I have been taking classes in various environmental fields, such as Environmental Science and Environmental Philosophy. Now I am working on a project about Environmental Law. What I have been noticing is that there are problems within each of these fields that are creating problems for environmental studies as a whole. My hope with this blog is to; a) share information about the environment that is in the news and b) give summaries and my opinion about articles written in all the environmental fields.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Climate Change in 2011

This is the year that, hopefully, everyone will agree that climate change is real. The evidence in support of climate change is impossible to ignore. Other than the billions of dollars that the oil industry spends to convince the public that climate change is not real or all of the weathermen (and news anchors) that laugh at global warming during the harsh winters. We know that climate change is happening and the is enough evidence to suggest that people are one of the main causes of this. 2010 was officially the warmest year on record. The biggest problem we face is that since so many people disagree or are unsure about climate change that there is very little that can be done to try to fix the problem. What can be done is to understand climate change and help those around you to understand.

1 comment:

  1. People sometimes make comments to the effect that cold winter weather (like we have been having this year) is disproof of global warming. Of course, that confuses weather and climate. And it fails to recognize that we are talking about _global_ climate change. This harshly cold weather we've been experiencing is actually a consequence of warming at the poles, which is pushing colder air south and impacting the path of the jet stream. So, even though it is colder than usual right now, right here, globally the earth is warmer--at its warmest in thousands of years, in fact. It is scary that there are some people who still won't hear this simple truth.
