The Reason For this Blog

I have been taking classes in various environmental fields, such as Environmental Science and Environmental Philosophy. Now I am working on a project about Environmental Law. What I have been noticing is that there are problems within each of these fields that are creating problems for environmental studies as a whole. My hope with this blog is to; a) share information about the environment that is in the news and b) give summaries and my opinion about articles written in all the environmental fields.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

On Geoengineering

This Washington Post Opinion Article is about whether we should geoengineer the planet. This has always been a very touchy topic. The appeal of a quick solution to climate change draws many people in. Adversely, who is to say that a quick fix won't cause more problems. As mentioned in the article, the best solution would be to pursue research into geoengineering while also reducing carbon emissions. These two should always hand in hand. Without lowering carbon emissions we are only delaying a problem and if it is unlikely that reducing carbon emissions could undo the damage that has been done and will be done.

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