The Reason For this Blog

I have been taking classes in various environmental fields, such as Environmental Science and Environmental Philosophy. Now I am working on a project about Environmental Law. What I have been noticing is that there are problems within each of these fields that are creating problems for environmental studies as a whole. My hope with this blog is to; a) share information about the environment that is in the news and b) give summaries and my opinion about articles written in all the environmental fields.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

CA Global warming law

Californians split on global warming law
California has always been one step ahead when it comes to environmental laws. Despite there being issues with smog there has been a big initiative to improve the air quality and prevent further destruction. The new global warming law was just what CA, and the rest of the world, needed to slowly head towards sustainability. Proposition 23 exemplifies the issues with environmental law. The people know that the greenhouse gas law has been helping and will continue to help the state. But out-of-state oil companies and businesses can put out a proposition that says the law will be suspended until the unemployment drops back below 5.5%. Almost forever, people have been taking the view that if we don't protect and help the environment then they can make more money. By suspending the bill there is no guarantee that the unemployment will go down. There are other ways to decrease unemployment, even by helping the environment. If states would put money into green business and green works there would be more jobs for the unemployed and more help for the environment. The disagreement between the political parties continues to prevent any substantial environmental law to be passed.